Profesor : Edgar Lopategui Corsino
Título del Curso : Principios de Fisiología Cardiovascular,
Pruebas Ergométricas de Tolerancia
Cardiorespiratoria, Diseño/Implementacion de Programas de Ejercicio
Rehabilitacion Cardíaca.
Creditaje : 3 Créditos
Código u Número : SEFR 6330
Requisitos : Fisiología del Ejercicio
Conceptos introductorios
al análisis descriptivo y explicativo de la fisiología cardiovascular
en reposo y durante el ejercicio agudo y crónico. Se enfatizarán
los principios básicos involugrados
en las pruebas de esfuerzo cardiopulmonares máximas y submáximas,
así como la estructuración de un programa de ejercicio dirigido
a los pacientes con enfermedades cardiovasculares.
El conocimiento básico de los conceptos descritos
en este curso podrán ayudar al profesional de la salud a desarrollar
y aplicar en una manera efectiva y segura programas de ejercicio y la
administración de pruebas progresivas aeróbicas de esfuerzo.
Además, el estudiante estará capacitado para contribuir a
la prevención de las enfermedades cardiovasculares mediante la
reducción de la mayor parte de los factores de riesgo para las
enfermedades coronarias que pueden ser modificados.
A. Terminales (Generales)
Al finalizar el curso, los estudiantes podrán:
A. El Sistema Cardiovascular
Experimento # 1: Procedimientos a Seguir para Tomar la
Presión Arterial y el pulso.
Experimento # 2: El Electrocardiograma en Reposo de 12
Experimento # 3: Pruebas Ergométricas Aeróbicas
Experimento # 4: Pruebas Ergométricas Máximas.
A continuación el valor de los exámenes, informes de laboratorios,
y proyectos especiales:
3 Examenes Parciales | = | 300 puntos |
4 Informes de Laboratorio | = | 100 puntos |
1 Trabajo Escrito | = | 100 puntos |
Total: | = | 500 puntos |
La nota final será determinada mediante la siguiente escala numérica:
A = | 450 - 500 : | 90 - 100 % |
B = | 400 - 449 : | 80 - 89 % |
C = | 350 - 399 : | 70 - 79 % |
D = | 300 - 349 : | 60 - 69 % |
F = | <299 : | 59 % |
Libros de: Fisiología del Ejercicio (General)
Åstrand, P-O., & Rodahl, K. (1986). Textbook of Work Physiology: Physiological Bases of Exercise. (3rd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company. 756 pp.
Åstrand, P-O., & Rodahl, K. (1986). Fisiología del Trabajo Físico: Bases Fisiológicas del Ejercicio. (2da ed.). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial Médica Panamericana S.A. 488 pp.
Berger, R. A. (1982). Applied Exercise Physiology. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger. 291 pp.
Brooks, G. A., & Fahey, T. D. (1987). Fundamentals of Human Performance. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company. 464 págs.
Books, G. A., Fahey, T. D., & White, T. P. (1996). Exercise Physiology: Human Bioenergetics and its Applications. (2nd ed.). California: Mayfield Publishing Company. 750 pp.
De Vries, H. A. (1986). Physiology of Exercise: for Physical Education and Athletics. (4th ed.). Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. 591 pp.
Fisher, A. G. (1990). Scientific Basis of Athletic Conditioning. (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger. 299 pp.
Fox, E. L., Bowers, R.W., & Foss, M. L. (1993). The Physiological Basis for Exercise and Sport. (5th ed.) Wisconsin: WCB Brown & Benchmark Publishers. 710 pp.
Fox, E. L., Bowers, R. W., & Foss, M. L. (1992). Sports Physiology. (3rd ed). Wisconsin: WCB Brown & Benchmark Publishers. 449 pp.
Fox, E. L. (1987). Fisiología del Deporte. (5ta ed., Reimpresión de la 1ra ed.). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial Médica Panamericana. 351 pp.
Gonzalez Gallego, J. (Ed.). (1992). Fisiología de la Actividad Física y del Deporte. Nueva York: Interamericana, McGraw-Hill. 384 pp.
Lamb, D. R. ,& Murray, R. (Eds.) (1997). Perspectives in Exercise Science and Sports Medicine: Optimizing Sport Performance. (Vol. 10). Carmel, IN: Cooper Publishing Group. 365 pp.
Lamb, D. R. (1984). Physiology of Exercise: Responses & Adaptations. (2nd. ed.). New York: Macmillan Publishing Company. 489 pp.
Lamb, D. R. (1978). Fisiología del Ejercicio: Respuestas y Adaptaciones. Madrid, España: Editorial Augusto E. Pila Teleña. 406 pp.
McArdle, W. D., Katch, F. I., & Katch, V. L. (1994). Essentials of Exercise Physiology. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger. 563 pp.
McArdle, W. D., Katch, F. I., & Katch, V. L. (1996). Exercise Physiology: Energy, Nutrition, and Human Performance. (4th ed.). Baltimore, Maryland: Williams & Wilkins. 849 pp.
Mishchenko, V. S., & Monogarov, V. D. (1995). Fisiología del Deportista: Bases Científicas de la Preparación, Fatiga y Recuperación de los Sistemas Funcionales del Organismo de los Deportistas de Alto Nivel. Barcelona, España: Editorial Paidotribo. 328 pp.
Morehouse, L. E., & Miller, A. T., Jr. (1984). Fisiología del Ejercicio. (8va ed.). Buenos Aires: Librería "El Ateneo" Editorial. 318 pp.
Noble, B. J. (1986). Physiology of Exercise and Sport. St. Louis: Times Mirror/Mosby College Publishing. 570 pp.
Plowman, S. D., & Smith, D. L. (1997). Exercise Physiology for Health, Fitness, and Performance. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. 557 pp.
Reilly, T., Secher, N., Snell, O., & Williams, C. (Eds.). (1990). Physiology of Sports. New York: E. & F.N. SPON. 495 pp.
Powers, S. K., & Howley, E T. (1994). Exercise Physiology: Theory and Applications. (2nd ed.). Dubuque, I.A.: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. 608 pp.
Rowell, L. B., & Shepherd, J. T. (Eds). (1996). Handbook of Physiology. A Critical, Comprehensive Presentation of Physiological Knowledge and Concepts. Section 12: Exercise: Regulation and Integration of Multiple Systems. New York: Oxford University Press. 1210 pp.
Shephard, R. J. (1987). Exercise Physiology. Philadelphia: B.C. Decker Inc. 207 pp.
Shephard, R. J. (1982). Physiology & Biochemistry of Exercise. New York: Praeger Publishers. 672 pp.
Stegeman, J. (1981). Exercise Physiology: Physiological Bases of Work and Sport. St. Louis: Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc. 345 pp.
Wilmore, J. H., & Costill, D. L. (1994). Physiology of Sport and Exercise. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. 560 pp.
Wilmore, J. H., & Costill, D. L. (1988). Training for Sport and Activity. (3rd ed.). Madison, WI: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. 420 pp.
Libros/Manuales de: Experimentos
de Laboratorio en Fisiologia del
Adams, G. M. (1994). Exercise Physiology Laboratory Manual. (2nd ed.). Dubuque, I.A.: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. 292 pp.
Burke, E J., & Michael, E. D. (1990). Laboratory Experiments in Exercise Physiology. (2nd ed.). Ithaca, N.Y: Mouvement Publications. 196 pp.
Byrd, R. J., & Browning, F. M. (1972). A Laboratory Manual for Exercise Physiology. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, Publisher. 157 pp.
Consolazio, C. F., Johnson, R. E., & Pecora, L. J. (1963). Physiological Measurements of Metabolic Functions in Man. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 505 pp.
De Vries, H. A. (1971). Laboratory Experiments in Exercise Physiology. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown. 139 pp.
Filush, E. M. (Recopilador). (1988). Manual of Laboratory Exercises for Undergragraduate Exercise Physiology (PE 414). Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University. [82] pp.
Magel, J., & McArdle, W. (1976).. Laboratory Experiments in Exercise Physiology. New York: Queens College of the City University of New York. 56 pp.
Misner, J., Slaughter, M.,
Teeple J., Deutsch, H., & Behnke, B. (1983). Laboratory
Experiences in Bioscientific Foundations of Exercise and Sport.
Champaign, Illinois: Stipes Publishing Company. 91 pp.
Morehouse, L. E. (1972). Laboratory Manual for Physiology of Exercise. Saint Louis: The C.V. Mosby Company. 206 pp.
Ruppel, G. (1986). Manual of Pulmonary Function Testing. (4th ed.). St. Louis: The C.V. Mosby Company. 296 pp.
Shaver, L. G. (1973). Experiments in Physiology of Exercise. Minneapolis: Burgess Publishing Company. 172 pp.
Sinning, W. E. (1975). Experiments and Demostrations in Exercise Physiology. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company. 162 pp.
The Ohio State University. (1987, 1988). Laboratory Manual: Laboratory Procedures in Exercise Physiology: Part 1, 2, 3. (PE 660 .01, .02, .03). Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University. 90, 39, 62 pp.
Vaughn, C., & Johnson, R. (1984). Laboratory Experiments in Exercise Physiology: Measurement/Evaluation/Application. Dubuque, IA: Eddie Bowers Publishing Company.135 pp.
Libros de: Medicina del Deporte y Ciencias del Ejercicio
Apple, D. F., & Cantwell, J. D. (1979). Medicine for Sport. Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers. 241 pp.
Appenzeller, O. (1988). Sports Medicine: Fitness, Training, Injuries. (3rd ed.). Baltimore: Urban & Schwarzenberg. 509 pp.
Burke, E. J. (Ed.). (1980). Exercise, Science and Fitness. New York: Mouvement Publications, Inc. 270 pp.
Cantu, R. C. (Ed.). (1984). Clinical Sports Medicine. Massachusetts: D.C. Health and Company. 219 pp.
Centro de Salud Deportiva y Ciencias del Ejercicio (Comite 0límpico de P.R., Univ. de Ciencias Medicas de P.R.). Taller de Estudios para Entrenadores. Salinas, P.R.
Dirix, A., Knuttgen, A. G., & Tittel, K. (Eds.). (1988). The Olympic Book of Sports Medicine. Osney, Oxford, England: An International Olympic Committe Publication, Blackwell Scientific Publications. 692 pp.
Guillet, R., & Genety, J. (1978). Manual de Medicina del Deporte. Barcelona, España: Toray-Masson, S.A. 434 pp.
Johnson, R. J., & Lombardo, J. (Eds). (1994). Current Review of Sports Medicine. Philadelphia: Current Medicine. 320 pp.
Medicina del Deporte. (Tomos 1-4). (1990). Colombia: INTERMED.
Mellion, M. B. (Ed.). (1996). Office Sports Medicine. (2nd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Hanley & Belfus, Inc. 395 pp.
Morris, A. F. (1984). Sports Medicine: Prevention of Athletic Injuries. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. 377 pp.
Nieman, D. C. (1990). Fitness and Sports Medicine: An Introduction. (Rev. ed.), Palo Alto, CA: Bull Publishing Company. 600 pp.
Nilo Hernández, J. L. (1983). Medicina del Deporte. Mexico: La Prensa Medica, 1983. 421 pp.
Ryan, A. J., & Allman, F. L., Jr. (Eds.). (1989). Sports Medicine. (2nd. ed.). NewYork: Academic Press, Inc. 746 pp.
Sperryn, P. N. (1987). Deporte y Medicina: Guía Médica Práctica del Deportista. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Lidium. 333 pp.
Smith, N., & Stanitsk, C. L. (1987). Sports Medicine: A Practical Guide. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company. 238 pp.
Strauss, R. H. (Ed.). (1984). Sports Medicine. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company. 560 pp.
Teitz, C. C. (1989). Scientific Foundations of Sports Medicine. Philadelphia, PA: A.B.C Decker, Inc. Publication. 400 pp.
Torg, J. S., Welsh, R. P., & Shephard, R. J. (Eds). (1990). Current Therapy in SportsMedicine-2. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: B.C. Decker Inc. 478 pp.
Welsh, R. P., & Shephard, R. J. (Eds.). (1985). Current Therapy in Sports Medicine 1985-1986. Saint Louis: The C.V. Mosby Company. 294 pp.
Wood, S. C., & Roach, R. C. (Eds.). (1994). Sports and Exercise Medicine. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. 286 pp.
Libros Relacionados con: Salud-Bienestar/Aptitud Física/Medicina
American College of Sports Medicine. (1995). ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. (5th ed.). Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. 373 pp.
American College of Sports Medicine Staff. (Ed.) (1993). Resource Manual for Exercise Testing and Prescription. (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger. 596 pp.
Ami, E. (Ed.) (1996). La Salud Oral en el Deporte. San Juan, Puero Rico: Ediciones Mitológicas. 153 pp.
Bouchard, C., Shephard, R. J., Stephens, T., Sutton, J. R., & Mc Pherson, B. D. (Eds.). (1990). Exercise, Fitness, and Health: A Consensus of Current Knowledge. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics Books. 720 pp.
Arnold Spaeth, R., Barbbany Cairo, J. R., Bieniarz Rouba, I., Carranza Gil-Doz Del Casteller, M., Fuster Matute, J., Hernández Moreno, J., Lagardera Otero, F., Ortega Gomez, E., Porta Manceñido, J., Prat Subirana, J. A., & Rouba Billewicz, P. (1986). La Educación Física en las Enseñanzas Medias: Teoría y Práctica. (2da ed.). Barcelona, España: Editorial Paidotribo, S. A. 669 pp.
Bove, A. A ., & Lowenth, D. T. (Eds.). (1983). Exercise Medicine: Physiological Principles and Clinical Applications. New York: Academic Press. 400 pp.
Franklin, B. A., Gordon, S., & Timmis, G. C. (Eds.). (1989). Exercise in Modern Medicine. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins. 300 pp.
Franks, B. D., & Edward T. Howley, E. T. (1989). Fitness Leader's Handbook. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics Books. 263 pp.
Fletcher, G. F. (Ed.). (1988). Exercise in the Practice of Medicine. (2nd ed.). New York: Futura Publishing Company, Inc. 513 pp.
Froelicher, V. F. (1987). Exercise and the Heart: Clinical Concepts. (2nd ed.). Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc. 508 pp.
Hasson, S. M. (Ed.). (1994). Clinical Exercise Physiology. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book, Inc. 288 pp.
Heyward, V. H. (1991). Advanced Fitness Assessment & Exercise Prescription. (2nd ed.). Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics Books. 352 pp.
Heyward, V. H. (1996). Evaluación y Prescripción del Ejercicio. Barcelona, España: Editorial Paidotribo. 278 pp.
Howley, E. T., & Franks, B. D. (1992). Health/Fitness Instructor's Handbook. (2nd ed.). Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc. 402 pp.
Leon, A. S. (Ed.). (1997). Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Health: A National Consensus. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics, Inc. 271 pp.
Pollock, M. L., Wilmore, J. H., & Fox III, S. M. (1990). Exercise in Health and Disease: Evaluation and Prescription for Prevention and Rehabilitation. (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: W.B. Saunder Company. 741 pp.
Serra Grima, J. R. (1996). Prescripción de Ejercicio para la Salud. Barcelona, España: Editorial Paidotribo. 408 pp.
Libros Relacionados con: Pruebas Cardiovasculares de Esfuerzo
American Heart Association. The Committe on Exercise. Exercise Testing and Training of Apparently Healthy Individual: A Handbook for Physicians. Dallas, Texas: American Heart Association, 1972. 40 págs.
American Heart Association. The Committe on Exercise.Exercise Testing and Training of Individual with Heart Disease or at High Risk for its Development: A Handbook for Physicians. Dallas, Texas: Americanm Heart Association, 1975. 62 págs.
Chung, Edward K., editor. Exercise Electrocardiography:Practical Approach. Baltimore: The Williams & Wilkins Company, 1979.354 págs
Ellestad, Myrvin H. Stress Testing: Principles and Practice. 3ra. ed.; Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company, 1986, 526 págs.
Froelicher, Victor F. y Gilberto D. Marcondes. Manual ofExercise Testing. Chicago: Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc., 1989. 332 págs.
Jones, N. L. (1988). Clinical Exercise Testing. (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company. 325 pp.
Leff, Alan R., editor. Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing. Orlando, FL: Grune & Stratton, Inc., 986. 273 págs.
Mellerowicz, H., & Smodlaka, V. N. (1981). Ergometry: Basics of Medical Exercise Testing. Baltimore: Urban & Schwarzenberg. 420 pp.
Mellerowicz, H. (1984). Ergometría. (3ra ed.) Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial Médica Panamericana, S. A. 301 pp.
Naughton, John. Exercise Testing. Physiological, Biomechanical, and Clinical Principles. New York: Futura Publishing Company, Inc., 1988. 226 págs.
Wasserman, K, Hansen, J. E., Sue, D. Y., & Whipp, B. J. (1987). Principles of Exercise Testing and Interpretation. Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger. 274 pp.
Weber. Karl T. y Joseph S. Janicki. Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing: Physiologic Principles and Clinical Applications. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 1986. 378 págs.
Libros de: Rehabilitación Cardíaca
Blocker, William P. y David Cardus, editores. Rehabilitation in Ischemic Heart Disease. New York: Spectrum Publications, 1983. 474 págs.
Brannon, Frances J., Mary J. Geyer y Margaret W. Foley. Cardiac Rehabilitation: Basic Theory and Application. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company, 1988. 310 págs.
Cornette, Sandra J. y Joan E. Watson. Cardiac Rehabilitation: An Interdisciplinary Team Approach. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1984. 308 págs.
Fardy, Paul S., Janice L. Bennett, Norma L. Reitz y Mark A. Williams. Cardiac Rehabilitation: Implications for the Nurse and other Health Professionals. St. Louis: The C.V. Mosby Company, 1980. 283 págs.
Fardy, Paul S., Frank G. Yanowitz y Philip K. Wilson. Cardiac Rehabilitation, Adult Fitness, and Exercise Testing. 2da. ed.; Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger, 1988. 402 págs.
Fry, Gary y Kathy Berra. YMCArdiac Therapy. Chicago: National Council of the Young Men's Christian Association, 1981. 374 págs.
Hall, Linda K y G. Curt Meyer, editores. Cardiac Rehabilitation: Exercise Testing and Prescription. Vol. II. Champaign, Illinois, Human Kinetics, 1988. 371 págs.
Hall, Linda K., G. Curt Meyer y Herman K Hellerstein, editores. Cardiac Rehabilitation: Exercise Testing and Prescription. New York: Spectrum Publications, 1984. 452 págs.
Wenger, Nanette K., Herman K Hellerstein, editores. Rehabilitation of the Coronary Patient. 2da. ed., New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1984. 563 págs.
ACSM's Health and Fitness Journal
Acta Médica Scandinava Acta Physiológica Scandinava American Journal of Cardiology American Journal of Clinical Nutrition American Journal of Physiology Annals New York Academy of Science Australian Journal of Science and Medicine in Sports British Journal of Sports Medicine Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology Clinics in Sports Medicine Ergonomics European Journal of Applied Physiology Exercise and Sports Science Reviews Federation Proceedings International Journal of Sports Medicine International Journal of Sports Nutrition Journal of Applied Physiology Journal of Biomechanics Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation |
Journal of Clinical Investigation
Journal of the American Medical Association Journal of Sports Science Journal of Sports Medicine Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness Medicine, Exercise, Nutrition and Health Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise Medicine and Sports Metabolism National Strength and Conditioning Association Journal New England Journal of Medicine Pediatric Exercise Science Physician and Sportsmedicine Research Quarterly in Exercise and Sports Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation Sport Health Magazine Sports Medicine The Journal of Orthopaedic an Sports Physical Therapy The American Journal of Sports Medicine |
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Copyright © 2000 Edgar Lopategui Corsino |